
Here you will be able to see some samples of our participation in the social network of communications. Publications, TV Energy, and scientific Articles.

Energy Profiler

Press conference where are revealed the main conclusions of the Energy Profiler Study.

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Simposio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia

Approximately 1200 participants were in this event, around 900 communications subordinated to several areas of the Psychology were presented on this symposium.

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promotion 3e

Presentation of the project Energy Profiler and of some of the principal results.

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Revista da qualidade

The Revista de Qualidade talked with Dalila Antunes, general director of the Factor Social , who revealed the potential of a still recent concept in Portugal, the Psychology applied to the environmental issues.

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Applied psychology

Chapter of the Book

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Seminar for the energetic efficiency

The Presence of the Factor Social in the event

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Artigos Ciêntificos

  • Antunes, D.; Gaspar, R.; Lino, J. (2014) Energy Efficient Appliances and Energy Efficient Behaviours: from consumers’ assessment to behavior intervention. In Morena J. Acosta (Ed), Advances in Energy Research. Volume 18. Publisher: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Antunes, D.; Gaspar, R.; Lino, J. (2012) Energy Efficient Appliances and Energy Efficient Behaviours: from consumers’ assessment to behavior intervention. In E.F.S Cavalcanti, M.R. Barbosa (Eds), Energy Efficiency: Methods, Limitations and Challenges. Publisher: Nova Science Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-62081-817-6.
  • Borges Gouveia, J.; Faria A.; Antunes, D; Gaspar, R. (2011). ENERGYPROFILER: A study on the identification of Portuguese residential Energy Consumer Profiles. Energia e Futuro, Outubro-Dezembro 2011, 19-23.
  • Gaspar, R. & Antunes, D. (2011). Energy efficiency and appliances purchase in Europe: consumer profiles and choice determinants. Energy Policy, 39, 7335–7346.
  • Antunes, D., Bernardo, F., Palma-Oliveira, J.M. (2011). Psicologia do Ambiente. In M.P. Lopes, P. J. Palma, R. Bartolo Ribeiro e M.P. Cunha (Eds), Psicologia Aplicada (1st Ed., Chap. 10). Lisboa: RH, Lda.
  • Antunes, D. (2009). A medição da subjectividade ou a subjectividade da medição. Revista Qualidade; nº 24, Mar/09.
  • Palma-Oliveira, J.; Marques, N.; Antunes, D.; Maia, N.; Silveira, C. (2009). Risk Perception and participatory processes: that case of SECIL-Outão cement factory; SRA 2009 Annual Meeting; Risk Analysis: The Evolution of a Science, Baltimore, U.S.A.
  • Antunes, D.; Gaspar de Carvalho, R. (2008) Some come and go, some stay, but we all pay! An example of a sustainable tourism project in Portugal. In Bomaiuto, M.; Bonnes, M.; Nanci, A.M.; Carrus, G. (Eds). Urban Diversities, Biosphere and well-being: Designing and managing our common environment (IAPS 20 Conference Proceedings on CD-Rom).
  • Palma-Oliveira, J.; Luís, S.; Antunes, D.; Marques, N. (2008). Living Near the fire without getting burned! A Psychosocial Monitoring Program of a Solid Waste Treatment station. In Bomaiuto, M.; Bonnes, M.; Nanci, A.M.; Carrus, G. (Eds). Urban Diversities, Biosphere and well-being: Designing and managing our common environment (IAPS 20 Conference Proceedings on CD-Rom).
  • Mata, A., Antunes, D., Rodrigues, C. & Palma-Oliveira, J.M. (2006). Risk Communication: How to communicate and be Understood Successfully. Safety and Reliability for Managing Risk. C. Guedes Soares & E. Zio Ed., Estoril.
  • Mata, A., Antunes, D., Gaspar de Carvalho, R., Palma-Oliveira, J.M., Lino, J., Luís, S., Marques, N., Silveira, C. & Alves, I. (2006). Psychological Monitoring: Understanding Irrational People. Safety and Reliability for Managing Risk. C. Guedes Soares & E. Zio (Eds.), Estoril.
  • Antunes, D., Gaspar de Carvalho, R., Mata, A., Palma-Oliveira, J.M., Lino, J. & Luís, S. (2005). Os Factores Humanos na Avaliação e Gestão de Risco. I Encontro Nacional de Riscos, Segurança e Fiabilidade. IST, Lisboa.
  • Gaspar de Carvalho, R., Mata, Antunes, D., Marques, N., Silveira, C., Lino, J., Luís, S. & Palma-Oliveira, J.M. (2005). Monitorização Psicossocial de uma Actividade Industrial. I Encontro Nacional de Riscos, Segurança e Fiabilidade. IST, Lisboa.
  • Palma-Oliveira, J. M., Mata, A., Carvalho, R., & Antunes, D. (2004). Psycho-Social Monitoring of an Industrial Activity. VIII Congresso de Psicologia Ambiental. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo.
  • Palma-Oliveira, J. M., Antunes, D., Carvalho, R., & Mata, A. (2004). Psychology and Social Impact Assessment: and They Lived Happily Ever After.. VIII Congresso de Psicologia Ambiental. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo.
  • Palma-Oliveira, J. M., Mata, A., Carvalho, R., & Antunes, D. (2004). A Case Study on Psychosocial Impact Monitoring. VIII Congresso de Psicologia Ambiental. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo.
  • Antunes, D. (2004). Participants' Evaluation of Public Participation: The connection between IC1 and Caminha. Monografia de Mestrado. Department of Psychology School of Human Sciences. University of Surrey.
  • Palma-Oliveira, J. M. & Antunes, D., Mata, A. & Carvalho, R. (2004). Psycho-Social Monitoring of an Industrial Activity. 24th Annual Conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment . Ontario, Canada.
  • Antunes, D. (2003). Cenários de Risco em Portugal: Uma Abordagem Integrada. Escola Nacional de Bombeiros, Estoril.
  • Palma-Oliveira, J.M. & Antunes, D. (2003). Riscos Associados aos Bombeiros. Stresse nos Bombeiros - Escola Nacional de Bombeiros, Torres Vedras.
  • Mata, A., Gaspar de Carvalho, R., Moreira, S., Marques, S., Antunes, D. & Palma-Oliveira, J.M. (2003). Highway from hell! A case study on psychosocial impact monitoring. Procedings of the 2003 Environmental Psychology in the UK Conference.
  • Gaspar de Carvalho, R., Mata, A., Palma-Oliveira, J.M., Antunes, D., Moreira, S. & Marques, S. (2003). Do the evolution!: Psychosocial impact studies methodology. Procedings of the 2003 Environmental Psychology in the UK Conference.
  • Antunes, D. (2002). Metodologia Integrado de Análise Psicossocial nos Estudos de Impacte Ambiental. 1º Colóquio Psicologia Espaço e Ambiente. Universidade de Évora, Évora.
  • Antunes, D. (2002). Monitorização Psicossocial da Construção de Auto-estradas. 1º Colóquio Psicologia Espaço e Ambiente. Universidade de Évora, Évora.
  • Palma-Oliveira, J.M. & Antunes, D. (2001). Meat Risk Perception: The Importance of Being Caught in the Act. 11th Annual Conference Society of Risk Analysis-Europe, Lisboa.
  • Palma-Oliveira, J.M.; Antunes, D.; Silva, Z.; Carvalho, R.; Mata, A.; Marques, S.; Moreira, S., Figueira & Castro, M. (2001). Promotores de Crescimento e Saúde Pública. Universidade de Lisboa (Faculdade de Farmácia, Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação; Faculdade de Medicina). Lisboa.


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Here you will be able to see some samples of our participation in the social network of communications. Publications, TV Energy, and scientific Articles.

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